When Legendary announced that a Detective Pikachu movie was being made, most people just rolled their eyes at the news. Hollywood has a hilariously bad track record when it comes to the video game adaptations that they make, with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Rampage being the "highest rated" film of that "genre." Adding Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu and the writers of Gravity Falls and Guardians of the Galaxy have made fans feel slightly optimistic but not by much.
However, a report from Super Bro Movies has gathered some of the early reactions to this film and it's pretty positive, apparently. This is going to come off as a huge shocker to some since most of us had lost faith in Hollywood getting video game movies right (look at those Monster Hunter set photos, yuck) but this could be the exception to the rule.
Apparently, Reynolds' Pikachu has very good chemistry with the lead actor and the CGI for the various Pokemon in the movie is Rocket Racoon good. There are also plenty of Easter eggs that will entertain fans of the game, which should be a treat. Still, these are early reactions and we may have to take them with a grain of salt.
Here is hoping that these reports are right since anticipation for the film is currently at an all-time low. Maybe a trailer or two later this year will change our minds but most of us know that it will be positive reviews that get the most negative of us to give this a chance.
Detective Pikachu hits theaters on May 10, 2019.
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