Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Opening Movie Will Have Fans Crying Tears of Joy

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot continues to look like one of the best video games based on this beloved franchise, retelling the story of Goku from the Saiyan Saga until the Buu Saga. In between the big important parts of the anime are a number of original stories featuring characters from the original Dragon Ball, like Android 8, Nam, and Launch. If all of that wasn't nostalgic enough, Bandai Namco has revealed the game's opening video and it is glorious.

The opening movie uses the iconic Dragon Ball Z theme song CHA-LA-HEAD-CHA-LA, which will always get my heart pumping. Is it a cheap way to get our nostalgia dollars? Sure but when you consider how this is a retelling of Dragon Ball Z, this theme song is more than appropriate. If they also use We Gotta Power, that would also be awesome.

If I had any complaints, it's that anyone who hasn't seen the anime and is planning to use this game to know the lore is going to get spoiled like crazy. Granted, anime openings are always packed to the brim with spoilers but the anime is pretty old so there's no point in complaining about that. It is what it is.

Even with all of that and the combat not looking too great, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot looks like a phenomenal piece of fanservice. The fact that they go semi-open-world and give all of these characters so many things to do makes this a must-buy title.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot comes to PS4 and Xbox One on January 17, 2020.

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