Toei Animation
Funimation has announced that it will no longer be engaging with Vic Mignogna, the English voice actor of Broly from the Dragon Ball franchise following sexual assault allegations made against him.
Everyone, we wanted to give you an update on the Vic Mignogna situation. Following an investigation, Funimation recast Vic Mignogna in Morose Mononokean Season 2. Funimation will not be engaging Mignogna in future productions.
— Funimation (@FUNimation)
February 11, 2019
"Everyone, we wanted to give you an update on the Vic Mignogna situation," Funimation announced on Twitter. "Following an investigation, Funimation recast Vic Mignogna in Morose Mononokean Season 2. Funimation will not be engaging Mignogna in future productions."
Allegations of misconduct or rude behavior have shadowed the 56-year-old actor for years, but a Twitter thread posted on January 16, 2019, which coincides with the premiere of Dragon Ball Super: Broly in America, brought up a new allegation. Twitter user Hanleia tweeted: "Vic Mignogna is a homophobic rude asshole who has been creepy to underage female fans for over ten years and I've been screaming about this since 2010 but every year nothing changes." The responses to the tweet led to more fans sharing their stories on their own accounts.
Vic Mignogna is a homophobic rude asshole who has been creepy to underage female fans for over ten years and I've been screaming about this since 2010 but every year nothing changes
— ?? (@hanleia)
January 16, 2019
On February 8, another allegation against Mignogna from the Rosario + Vampire actor Jamie Marchi surfaced, claiming that he grabbed her by the hair and "jerked his fist, yanking my head backwards and towards him." She went on to say that he would whisper "something in my ear" and described it as "sexual in nature."
I stand with the victims. My experience is minor in comparison to many others; however, having realized this wasn't an isolated incident, I felt compelled to share.
— Jamie Marchi (@marchimark)
February 8, 2019
Mignogna addressed the new allegation, stating: "Please remember… there are always two sides to every story."
Please remember... there are always two sides to every story.
— vic mignogna (@vicmignogna)
February 10, 2019
Mignogna responded via Twitter to the allegations that surfaced in January, saying: "Finally, any allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or most disturbingly, pedophilia are COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FALSE. My heart weeps for anyone who endures a violation of this kind, so to be accused of harming others in this way…I have no words."
— vic mignogna (@vicmignogna)
January 21, 2019
In Bak-Anime 2019, he denied the allegations in more detail: "Now I have to just say this, but any kind of claims of assault or molestation or abuse, no. My heart hurts for the people that actually have been and my heart hurts for anyone who feels that. I am mortified to think that I would have made somebody feel that way."
Despite Mignogna's denial, he was replaced in Morose Monokean II, where he voiced the Executive. Rooster Teeth also fired Mignogna from RWBY, where he voiced Qrow Branwen. Various fan conventions like Anime NYC 2019, Florida Supercon 2019, and Emerald City Comic Con 2019 have also withdrawn their invitation for Mignogna.
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