Toei Animation
The Dragon Ball franchise is bringing back Goku's fan-favorite power-up called the Ultra Instinct. The transformation, which debuted during the Universal Survival arc's Tournament of Power of Dragon Ball Super, is making a comeback and now it seems like Goku is tapping into the power of the Ultra Instinct Omen after some intense training with the Grand Priest.
New Dragon Ball Heroes cards were recently released, and the set will feature characters from the on-going promotional anime. One of the cards features Goku going Ultra Instinct Omen, and he looks amazing.
Check out the tweet via SPY:
Last month, Dragon Ball Heroes teased Goku's training with the Grand Priest, so it looks like Goku has already trained hard to unlock the Ultra Instinct Omen form. As you can see above, Goku is wearing the same Grand Priest outfit from Episode 8 of the promotional anime. As you can see above, Goku has silver eyes and blue-white aura and he's standing up as he powers up his ki.
Sadly, Dragon Ball Heroes is non-canon but fans would love to see the return of Goku's badass Ultra Instinct in the Dragon Ball Super anime but Toei Animation hasn't released any new episodes yet.
Dragon Ball Super is currently available with English sub on Adult Swim during the Toonami block on Saturday nights. It can also be streamed on Funimation and Amazon Video. The Japanese language version is available to stream at Cruchyroll, FunimationNOW, and VRV.
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