With various characters revealed to have grown in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, fans of Akira Toriyama's shonen series are left wondering when the highly-anticipated movie takes place in the timeline of the series. Now, a new promo reveals when the movie is set by looking into the past of the relationship between Son Gohan and Piccolo as they get ready to fight the Red Ribbon Army and Dr. Hedo's new creations, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.
The Dragon Ball Super anime series concluded with the end of the Tournament of Power Arc, but the manga series continued the story with the Galactic Patrol Prisoner (Moro) Saga followed by the manga's current saga, the Granolah the Survivor Arc.
Over on Twitter, DBS Chronicles shared a translated scan of a new Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero promo (via DBS Hype), which details the relationship between Piccolo and Gohan to date, as well as confirming that the movie does in fact take place following the events of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga.
Now that we know that Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero takes place after the Moro arc, the biggest question now is whether the movie takes place before or after the manga's Granolah the Survivor Arc. If it takes place after that, there's a good chance that we will see Vegeta's Ultra Ego form.
Related: Is Dragon Ball Super Season 2: Galactic Patrol Prisoner Arc Anime Coming?
Toei Animation already confirmed a new Japanese theatrical release date for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero: June 11, 2022. There are still no updates on whether or not the theatrical release dates in North America and other regions are affected by this delay.
You can check out details about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here.