Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was recently hit with an unexpected delay, but Toei Animation is still finding ways to keep fans hyped despite the postponement. Now, we have an update about the villainous Red Ribbon Army, and their wild headquarters.
During a recent interview for Anime Japan, director Tetsuro Kodama shared an update about film's wild setting, and of course, he's talking about the Red Ribbon Army's headquarters, which was already teased in the trailers for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
"We developed the image based on the concept art drawn by Toriyama-sensei, and added various elements, "Kodama said (via DBSChronicles) "In this image, there is a large crater in a mountainous area, and a city like a park is built there. The concept is that the Red Ribbon Army actually resides here. Situated in a valley, the image is that of a place with fewer roads, making it difficult to use automobiles. Basically, the valley is traversed by monorail,"
If you've been keeping up with the news for the shonen film, you'd already know that the Red Ribbon Army will be a major part of the movie's story. Their headquarters could be the place where the mysterious villain is being housed. Expect major events to unfold here.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's April 2022 Japanese release date was recently pushed back due to the Toei Animation Hack, but Toei hasn't announced a new theatrical release date yet. The film is slated to release in North American theaters this summer, but there's still no word on whether or not the hack affected its release schedule.
Related: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Director Makes Special Request With Fans
You can read everything we know so far about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here.