Dragon Ball Super: Broly ended up being one of the best things to come from the franchise in a long while, even when compared to the Dragon BallSuper series itself. The gorgeous animation, surprisingly heavy Saiyan lore, and the gripping story made Dragon Ball fans very happy, with many hoping to see more. While most of us are expecting a new series, it looks like we're getting another film, which sounds like an awesome idea.
The Japanese release of the Broly Blu-Ray came with an interesting interview, as pointed out by fans. This interview with Dragon Ball Unit director Akio Iyoku revealed that the team is "steadily preparing for the next movie," which has a lot of fans hyped up. While a new series would be nice, Broly proved that these films can make a ton of money and look gorgeous while doing so.
Considering how the current Super manga is actually set after the Broly movie, with a whole new villain taking away Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan energy, there's a good chance that this could be what the next film. Granted, it would be nice to see characters like Gohan, Piccolo, and Gotenks get some time to shine but we'll take what we can get at this point when it comes to Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now available in digital services and Blu-Ray. Dragon Ball Super can be streamed on Crunchyroll and Funimation.