Toei Animation
Dragon Ball Super: Broly turned out to be a huge success worldwide, and it's just a matter of time before fans show how much they love the titular Saiyan villain.
One fan, who goes by The Head Honcho on Reddit, showed off his new ink. The fan shared a photo of his new Dragon Ball Super tattoo on Reddit, and it captures the iconic villain of the film.
DBS Broly tattoo
As you can see in the photo above, Broly is at the center of the design with Goku and Vegeta in fighting stance at the bottom with their winter outfits. The ink captures Broly's berserk form with his blond hair and fierce red eyes.
Synopsis of Dragon Ball Super Broly:
"A planet destroyed, a powerful race reduced to nothing. After the devastation of Planet Vegeta, three Saiyans were scattered among the stars, destined for different fates. While two found a home on Earth, the third was raised with a burning desire for vengeance and developed an unbelievable power. And the time for revenge has come. Destinies collide in a battle that will shake the universe to its very core! Goku is back to training hard so he can face the most powerful foes the universes have to offer, and Vegeta is keeping up right beside him. But when they suddenly find themselves against an unknown Saiyan, they discover a terrible, destructive force. Locked into battle with the formidable Broly, Goku and Vegeta face their most dangerous opponent yet!"
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now showing in select theaters.