Toei Animation
Dragon Ball Super: Broly has finally arrived in U.S. theaters, and fans are unleashing their hype for the new anime film. Now, the U.S. box office stats are in, and the film is already raking in an impressive amount.
The anime film has brought in $7 million, Deadline reports. The film is screening in 1,260 theaters nationwide and Deadline estimates the film's 6-day run at more than $11 million. This is a clear success for Funimation and the entire anime industry. Deadline credits the franchise's cross-generational appeal for the impressive midweek opening.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now showing in theaters worldwide. Dragon Ball Super currently airs on Adult Swim during Toonami's Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. It's also available to stream on Funimation and Amazon Video.
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