Dragon Ball Super: Broly Art Director's Favorite Character Revealed

Toei Animation

Many anime fans consider Dragon Ball Super: Broly to be the best Dragon Ball film and one of the best feature-length anime films ever released in theaters, and one of the factors that made the film successful was its art and character design, which are largely thanks to art director/character designer Naohiro Shintani.

Shintani was recently interviewed as part of the celebration of the film's release (via Kazenshuu), and he revealed his favorite character in the film: Paragus.

When Shintani was asked who his favorite character in Dragon Ball Super: Broly is, he said, "…Maybe Paragus," Shintani said. "The animators were granted the freedom to draw however they pleased, so I enjoyed seeing their finished work. Director Tatsuya Nagamine made a request that I found noteworthy: just because Paragus is a character who looks like he's just wearing underwear doesn't mean he should be drawn any old way, but should instead be fairly attractive, so the viewers might notice his backside and think, 'looks nice.'"

It seems that the notes given to Shintani made it enjoyable for him to design Paragus, and that's probably because of its strange demand: "...in the scene where Paragus and Broly are first found, the direction said for them to look 'as smelly as possible.' It's hard to express smell in drawings, but we tried our best to convey the image of underwear that hadn't been changed in a long time."

Dragon Ball Super: Brolyhas earned more than $100 million worldwide.

Synopsis of Dragon Ball Super Broly:

"A planet destroyed, a powerful race reduced to nothing. After the devastation of Planet Vegeta, three Saiyans were scattered among the stars, destined for different fates. While two found a home on Earth, the third was raised with a burning desire for vengeance and developed an unbelievable power. And the time for revenge has come. Destinies collide in a battle that will shake the universe to its very core! Goku is back to training hard so he can face the most powerful foes the universes have to offer, and Vegeta is keeping up right beside him. But when they suddenly find themselves against an unknown Saiyan, they discover a terrible, destructive force. Locked into battle with the formidable Broly, Goku and Vegeta face their most dangerous opponent yet!"

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now showing in select theaters. It will be available on April 16, 2019, with the tagline: "Bring home the box office berserker!"

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