Dragon Ball Super has been hyping up fans with details about the upcoming feature-length film, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, but the popular manga series by Akira Toriyama and Toyotarou is taking the lead right now. The Granolah the Survivor Arc is at its climactic battle as Granolah has joined Goku and Vegeta in saving planet Cereal from the Heeters, including the current "Strongest Warrior in the Universe", Gas.
Now, the latest chapter of the manga (Chapter 80: Gas vs. Granolah, Part 2) showed us a flashback of Gas's battle versus Goku's father, Bardock that happened in planet Cereal forty years ago. However, some fans noticed something missing about the Saiyan, and now they're wondering if it was an error or done in purpose.
As you can see in the panels shared by Twitter outlet @DBSChronicles below, Bardock doesn't have a tail, which is pretty unusual for a Saiyan like him. All five panels that featured the character in this chapter showed that his tail is missing, and now, fans are wondering if this was intentional or if Toyotarou forgot about it.
Sadly, that's not the only questionable thing fans spotted in the latest Dragon Ball Super chapter. Fans also spotted that Vegeta has four fingers in one of the panels.
The flashback also revealed that Gas used the same awakened crazy form in his fight against Bardock, and although Goku's father ultimately ended up defeating him, Goku and Vegeta are still trying to figure out how Bardock was able to defeat him. It's likely that we will see more flashbacks with Bardock in the future chapters of Dragon Ball Super, so pay attention to the details.
Related: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Reveals New Promo Art
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 80 is now available to read on VizMedia. You can read more details about the chapter here.