Since the first day Dragon Ball anime series aired on television in 1986, actress Masako Nozawa has given her all to voicing Goku, the Saiyan hero of Akira Toriyama's popular shonen franchise. Now, she has received a major award in honor of her work.
Recently, the 84-years-old actress was honored at the 24th Japan Media Arts Festival Award for her lifetime contributions to voice acting. In her pre-recorded speech, Nozawa thanked coworkers and fans, and made sure to slip Goku.
In the video, Nozawa is seen recording in a studio overseeas, and the legendary Dragon Ball actress said that she wants to keep acting until she is 125-years-old. "I want to keep voice acting until I turn 128. Everyone, enjoy your own lives too. Thanks again," she said before letting out Goku's battle cry.
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Nozawa will return to voice Goku in the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, and if Toei Animation confirms a new season of the anime series, it's likely that she will be back to do that as well. If you're wondering where to watch Dragon Ball Super, you can check out guide here.