Dragon Ball is the Latest Victim of Cancel Culture After Getting Banned for Sexism

Credit: Toei Animation

Credit: Toei Animation

I think I speak for a lot of people out there when I say that the Dragon Ball series is an integral part of our childhood and almost everyone knows about the anime that has spawned several seasons and feature-length films. You may be shocked to learn though that the iconic Japanese animated show which debuted over three decades ago is now the latest target of cancel culture.

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Credit: Toei Animation

The original Dragon Ball series which ran from 1986-1989 has apparently been banned in the Valencia region of Spain for not only promoting violence but sexism as well, a representative for local television channel À Punt says. According to the law, the show features content that "encourages gender discrimination through stereotypes and sexist roles"

Article 5 of Law 6/2016 of the Generalitat Valenciana (via Bounding Into Comics) states that television networks must "adopt, through self-regulation, codes of conduct aimed at transmitting the principle of equality excluding sexist content, especially in children's and youth programming."

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Credit: Toei Animation

Furthermore, it also states that public media should contain materials that promote "Equal treatment and opportunities for men and women, the use of non-sexist language and the guarantee of a plural and non-plural image stereotypes of women and men."

Dragon Ball has already aired in the said region in the '90s which makes it more intriguing why the channel would resort to such a controversial move. It's also still unknown if other spinoffs like Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super will also be affected by the ban. What do you think, Dragon Ball fans? Was it the right call?

The original Dragon Ball anime is available on Hulu.

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