Doom Patrol Photo Reveals A Major DCEU Artifact That Could Lead to a Future Cameo

The Doom Patrol series from DC Universe has been really interesting, embracing the weirdness that made these characters popular with fans in the first place. Granted, these characters were never household names, to begin with, but the show is looking to change that. Like Titans, there are a ton of references to popular DC characters or comics but a recent photo from an upcoming episode has major implications.

As fans can see, Elasti-Woman is drinking a glass of wine while the God Killer sword is just there in the background. Yes, THAT God Killer sword from a popular DC movie that everyone really liked. The God Killer sword from Wonder Woman, though it technically appeared in Tony Daniel's Deathstroke series first.

In Wonder Woman, the God Killer sword was an obvious Red Herring since The Amazons kept saying that Diana shouldn't know what her actual destiny is. Spoilers for a movie that came out in 2017 but Wonder Woman was the actual God Killer and she showed off her prowess by destroying Aries in the worst part of the movie. The rest of the film was fine though.

Funnily enough, Diana never used the sword in the comics, though Deathstroke did. Diana did at least join him in that adventure and it inspired the movie makers to add it to the film, so that's interesting.

Wonder Woman was mentioned in Titans during the Donna Troy episode, so she does indeed exist in this universe. Only time will tell if she ever appears in these shows but it would be really cool if she did.

Doom Patrol episodes come out weekly on DC Universe. It's not yet known if this show will also come to Netflix.

Read: Doom Patrol's Brendan Fraser Actually Auditioned for J.J. Abrams' Superman Film