Fans were pretty sad when it was announced that Agent Coulson died in the last Agents of SHIELD season. You'd think that Marvel would want to keep the character alive, especially since he just appeared in Captain Marvel, but it looks like that character's time has come to an end. Still, that doesn't mean Clark Gregg is out of a job since season six revealed he would be playing a new character. revealed that the character's name is Sarge and left it at that. We don't know who he is, what his motives are, and why he looks exactly like Phil Coulson. Fans are theorizing that he will be a Skrull and is using Coulson's appearance for, well, reasons.
Now that Coulson has been confirmed as dead, it will be interesting to see how the show goes on without him. While the series does have a number of likable characters, it was always clear that Coulson was the face of this show. Fans are definitely interested to see what's next, especially since this will be coming out after Avengers: Endgame.
Agents of SHIELD season 6 comes out on May 10 in ABC. Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.
Read: Clark Gregg Returning to Agents of SHIELD Season 6, but NOT as Phil Coulson