Whether it's Thanos, Venom, or Guardians of the Galaxy, it seems like current Marvel writer Donny Cates can do no wrong. Currently taking a short break from Venom so that Cullen Bunn can write a War of the Realms tie-in for the character, it seems like Cates truly is Marvel's golden boy right now and fans want to see him tackle multiple projects.
One fan was pulling an Ed Sheeran and thinking out loud, wishing Marvel would reboot the now dormant Ultimate Universe and wanting Cates in charge of the said reboot. Funnily enough, Cates saw the Tweet and revealed that he is up to the task, which got a lot of fans excited.
For those unaware, the Ultimate Universe was created to give fans a fresh take on familiar Marvel characters without the baggage of the regular Marvel continuity. This did lead to several acclaimed books like Ultimate Spider-Man and The Ultimates, though other titles didn't do as well, especially after Ultimatum.
However, since it was around for a number of years, the Ultimate Universe was soon bogged down by its own continuity and was relaunched several times to mixed results before being put on the shelf but not before bringing Miles Morales to the regular Marvel universe.
Spider-Men II, one of Brian Michael Bendis' final Marvel projects, did give fans a glimpse at a rebooted Ultimate Universe with the once-dead Peter Parker now a member of The Ultimates. Should Cates consider rebooting the Ultimate Universe, Bendis did give him a solid enough blueprint to follow.
(Marvel Comics)
Do you guys want to see the Ultimate Universe return?
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