The upcoming season of Doctor Who is set to revisit the show's classic eras. A new report suggests that Doctor Who Series 12 will go back to the show's original formula with familiar villains and could embrace what was known as Steven Moffat's era.
There is little doubt that Doctor Who Series 11 was truly unique. After all, it introduced the first female incarnation of the Time Lord played by Jodie Whittaker. However, it also seemed like new showrunner Chris Chibnall was determined to distance himself from the well-known formula perfected by Moffat and Russell T. Davies as Series 11 introduced strange new villains. Nevertheless, this could change with the new season.
ScreenRant points out that Doctor Who Series 12 will finally bring back the Judoon, the race of rhinoform humanoids from the planet Judoonia who are frequently employed as a mercenary police force. This could mean that we will be seeing more classic Doctor Who villains by next year and the Daleks might even return in future episodes.
Of course, this doesn't mean that Chibnall will be completely abandoning any of the storylines that were visited in Series 11. There are speculations that we could finally learn more about the Timeless Child in the upcoming season. Then again, that would still depend on what Chibnall plans to do with Thirteen.
Doctor Who Series 12 has not yet been given an official release date. Additionally, there might not be a Christmas Special later this year. Nevertheless, the show is expected to return on BBC by early 2020.
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