Chris Chibnall is certainly changing things in the Doctor Who Universe. The new showrunner chose Jodie Whittaker to play the first female incarnation of the beloved Time Lord. Now Chibnall is breaking a Doctor Who tradition and canceling the Christmas Special.
The Doctor Who Christmas Special has been an ongoing tradition since 2005. However, Chibnall revealed to Mirror UK that it won't be happening this year and his reason is painfully simple.
"I sort of think we might have mined, and possibly overmined, every single thing we could about Christmas in Doctor Who and the last time we more or less ignored it," he stated.
This is certainly a disappointment for Whovians who have been hoping to watch something on Christmas Day. Nevertheless, Chibnall says we can still expect a bonus episode close to the holidays. "I would definitely think there's another episode after the end of the series," he said.
People have been expecting a Christmas Special after Doctor Who Series 11 concludes on December 9. However, the bonus episode might end up being aired on New Year's Day instead. Could this mean that Chibnall is changing the show's holiday tradition? We'll have to wait for more updates in the near future.
It's interesting to note that Whittaker's first appearance as the new Time Lord was in last year's Christmas Special with Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor. Nevertheless, we're hoping that Chibnall has great plans for the show soon.
Doctor Who Series 11 airs on BBC One every Sunday nights.
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