Doctor Strange Possibly Lied About Infinity War Sacrifice To Ensure Avengers: Endgame Victory

There is no shortage of theories about what Doctor Strange actually saw when he took a glimpse into a future where the heroes actually won in Avengers: Infinity War. But is it possible that Stephen Strange actually lied to Tony Stark when he took the ultimate sacrifice? Some key details from the film Doctor Strange may have confirmed that the Sorcerer Supreme wasn't truthful about what will happen in Avengers: Endgame.

Stephen isn't the only one who has looked into the future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In Doctor Strange, the Ancient One admitted that she had tried to see beyond her own death but could never get past it.

"I've spent so many years peering through time, looking at this exact moment... but I can't see past it. I've prevented countless terrible futures, and after each one there's always another. And they all lead here, but never further. I never saw your future, only its possibilities," the Ancient One had said to Stephen. Considering that he may have used the same technique to look forward, Stephen probably didn't see if the Avengers will, in fact, win over Thanos in Endgame.

This opens up several possibilities but here's a plausible idea from ScreenRant. Stephen saw several million futures where he survived and they all failed. However, he saw himself die early and didn't actually know what would happen after that. It's possible that Stephen took a stab in the dark and lied to Tony by saying this is the future where they actually win since there's a 50/50 chance of that happening.

It's an interesting theory that puts Tony back up as possibly the most important character in Endgame. After all, Stephen didn't give up the Time Stone until Tony was in danger. There's a possibility that Stephen decided that Tony is the only one who can figure out a way to defeat Thanos, even if it meant that he would take Tony's place in the snappening.

Benedict Cumberbatch is expected to return as Doctor Strange in Avengers: Endgame, which premieres on April 26.

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