Hollywood icon Tom Cruise has long been rumored to be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a variant version of Iron Man in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Just last month, the actor was allegedly spotted on the set of the film wearing a motion capture suit but the authenticity of the said images was ultimately debunked. Still, that didn't stop fans from searching for clues that could link to Cruise's involvement in the billion-dollar franchise.
Earlier this week, many thought they finally found a hard piece of evidence that would prove Tom's casting as Tony Stark in the film. In the trailer Marvel Studios released during Super Bowl LV, a mysterious figure was seen going head-to-head with Wanda Maximoff at what looks to be the Illuminati headquarters and while it was hard to make out who it was, a lot of fans were convinced that it was none other than Superior Iron Man.
Well, as much as we hate to break it to you, multiple insiders, including the oftentimes reliable Grace Randolph have debunked the rumors and according to them, the mysterious Avenger we saw in the trailer was not Superior Iron Man but Maria Rambeau's variant version of Captain Marvel in her binary form.
Randolph was among the tipsters who previously claimed that Cruise or Iron Man for that matter wasn't featured in the initial screenings for the film but in a new tweet, she said that she's confident the Mission Impossible star will be joining the MCU in some capacity.
Also Read: Doctor Strange 2: Tom Cruise Reportedly Spotted On Set Wearing Motion Capture Suit
Personally, I'd have no problem seeing Tom Cruise appear in the film as a variant of Iron Man because quite frankly, it's the biggest what if in the history of the Marvel film franchise. Now, do I believe the rumors of him showing up in Multiverse of Madness? I guess I'll just take the insiders' word for it.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits cinemas on May 6, 2022.