Disney CEO Bob Iger on Disney+ Piracy and Password Sharing

Disney finally launched Disney+ earlier this week and while Marvel and Star Wars fans were excited to explore the new streaming site, subscribers met a few issues using the platform.

Now, the Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger addresses some of the subscriber's concerns, saying that Disney is going to be "mindful" of piracy and password sharing concerns on Disney+.

Speaking in an interview with CNBC to talk about the new streaming site, Iger discusses piracy and privacy, saying that Disney is going to be careful when it comes to both on Disney+.

"I think it'll be similar to what others are doing. It's obviously something we'll be mindful of," the Disney head honcho responded when asked by CNBC about Disney's approach to piracy in streaming and password sharing.

"We're setting up a service that is very family-friendly, we expect families to be able to consume it — four live streams at a time, for instance," Iger explained. "We'll watch it carefully with the various tools, technology tools, that we have available to us to monitor it. But it's obviously something we have to watch."

Disney+ suffered from a few technical errors during launch day this week. Not only where there service outages, but subscribers were also reporting that they were having issues finding Disney+'s app in Apple's App Store.

While Disney+ has had a little bit of a rough start, we expect Disney to smoothen out these issues as time progresses. Analysts are expecting the site to see the site arrive at 101 million subscribers by 2025.

Disney+ is now available for select regions.

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