Disney+ Already Has More Than 10 Million Subscribers

Considering all of the content Disney owns, including their own movies and shows plus their recent acquisitions of Marvel and Star Wars, most of us knew that Disney+ would be pretty successful. While there is a certain tangent of fans who wish that most of the streaming services would fail so that they license their shows out to Netflix like in the good old days, there are also those who are willing to adapt and try out Disney+ for now.

Turns out that those in the latter are quite plentiful since The Verge reported that Disney+ has already been downloaded more than 10 million times. That is a lot of viewers and should make the heads of this corporation very happy since it means they will be Netflix's major rival, at least for now.

When you consider the amount of MCU movies in Disney+ and The Mandalorian, which is already getting rave reviews from critics, the number of people downloading this app should have been a no-brainer. Then again, it is still surprising to know that so many people can love a corporation and its products this much but that's just how business works.

If you're in North America, you should be able to download Disney+ with no problems, though there are some connection problems right now. It's not yet available worldwide but there's a good chance that will happen later down the line.

Read:Star Wars: Here's When The Last Jedi and Solo Will be Coming to Disney+