Did You Catch the Han Solo Reference in Overwatch's 'Reunion' Short?

Blizzard has just released another fantastic Overwatch short in the form of Reunion, and it has everyone's favorite cowpoke McCree front and center of the story. What's neat is, there's actually a fun little reference to Han Solo from The Force Awakens in the short.

Check it out:

Here's the full short film just in case you're curious:

Of course, it's possible that the shot wasn't referencing Star Wars at all, but seeing that Han is more of the ‘renegade cowboy' of Star Wars and Solo being compared to a Western, I bet someone in Blizzard thought it would be fun to make that reference.

For now, it looks like Han Solo's adventures are over what with him dying in The Force Awakens and Solo underperforming in the box office. The silver lining is, with the home release of Solo, there have been a lot of positive feedback from fans, and maybe with enough popularity and pushing, we might be able to get the Solo sequel approved. We know that story isn't done yet, and it would be a shame if we never got to see the fantastic cast come back together for the sequel.

As for Overwatch, everyone is just fresh off the Halloween season and is waiting for the arrival of new character Ashe. We don't have a specific release date for her yet, but my guess is that she'll be playable for everyone come Christmas.

Overwatch is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

See Also: Overwatch: Ashe's Origin Trailer has a Neat Jeff Kaplan Easter Egg