Did Samuel L. Jackson Spoil Nick Fury's Avengers: Endgame Status?

Credit: Sony Entertainment

Credit: Sony Entertainment

He might have turned into dust during Avengers: Infinity War but fans are looking forward to seeing a younger version of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury in this month's Captain Marvel. Fans have been curious about the character's younger days and it will be fun seeing him interact with Brie Larson's Carol Danvers, which will supposedly give him the idea of forming the Avengers.

Most of us know that Nick Fury will be back after Avengers: Endgame, thanks to the very first trailer of Spider-Man: Far From Home. However, Jackson himself has stated that he will NOT appear in Endgame itself, which is a bit surprising since most of us are expecting Fury to make an appearance along with the other "dead" characters returning.

Here's what Jackson had to say about his Endgame status during an appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show (Via CBR):

"No, why would I be? I don't have any superpowers, I can't fight battles. No, I'm not in it."

Fury has been a huge part of the MCU and the fact that he'll be helping Spider-Man out after Avengers: Endgame is interesting, to say the least. Then again, for all we know, Fury could stay dead and the character we see in Far From Home is a Skrull, though we might be thinking too far ahead.

Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26. Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out this July.

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