Earlier this week, Netmarble launched Magic: ManaStrike for Android and iOS devices, and the South Korean developer also released an epic trailer featuring fan-favorite planeswalkers like Jace, Garruk, and Liliana. ManaStrike features a story set in Magic's multiverse, as its plot involves "Tyrant of Worlds", Nicol Bolas creating a parallel universe as he tries to find a weakness that can kill the planeswalkers, and now some fans are wondering if the game has revealed the future of one particular planeswalker who already passed away in the current MTG storyline.
Redditor Duramboros has shared a screenshot of ManaStrike featuring the planeswalker Gideon Jura with a cool never-before-seen armor. Check it out:
Warning: MTG story spoilers ahead.
If you've been keeping up with the storyline of Magic, you probably know that Gideon was killed in last year's War of the Spark storyline in his effort to save Liliana's life from Nicol Bolas. Now, ManaStrike features Gideon with his new armor on, so does that mean that he will eventually return in the future?
The Redditor also pointed out that Gideon has a robotic voice in the game, saying the lines, "I've returned again. There will be no failure this time." and "I've returned again. The fight for virtue continues."
We do know that Gideon's old armor survived, so maybe the aether infused construct that made up his armor would be imbued with his personality. Wizards of the Coast might eventually bring Gideon back from the dead as they recently did with Elsepth in Theros Beyond Death, so who knows at this point? It's also unclear if the story featured in ManaStrike is considered canon since the game also features Nicol Bolas, who was already defeated at the end of War of the Spark.
Do you think Gideon will return from the dead with the cool armor as seen in ManaStrike?
Magic: ManaStrike is now available. You can watch the trailer above.
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