Detective Pikachu Spotlights Several Pokemon With Solo Character Posters

Once again, the best part about Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is the Pokemon. Sure, the writing from the trailers has been pretty solid thus far but all eyes are on the CGI cuties/monstrosities that our lead characters will be hanging out with. There have been several posters for the movie thus far but China now has a bunch of solo character posters, each one spotlighting a different Pokemon.

I'll take a hundred of those Bulbasaur ones, please…

As fans can see below (via ComicBookMovie), these posters give us very good looks at some of the film's Pokemon. Spoiler haters have nothing to worry about since these posters only show some of the Pokemon who have appeared in the trailers. No "new" Pokemon have been shown, such as the few that were spotlighted in Ryan Reynolds' "casting" video.

Seriously, give me those Bulbasaur posters…

Everything we've seen from the movie looks really good thus far, so fans are probably scared that it might end up being bad. Honestly, most of us thought this movie was going to be bad but the very first trailer ended up impressing everyone. Let's hope the film ends up meeting our surprisingly high expectations and sets the standard for future anime movies.

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu will be coming to theaters on May 10.

Read: Ryan Reynolds Shares Fun 'Audition Reel' For Detective Pikachu