Pokemon Sword and Shield has Already Received Rave Reviews Despite Online Hate

It seems like fans are split 50/50 when it comes to Pokemon Sword and Shield, the first two installments of the franchise on Nintendo Switch. There are those who are hoping that the two games will be entertaining, starting the hashtag #ThankYouGameFreak while others are super mad at the removal of the National Pokedex and are trying to get #GameFreakLied to catch on.

Well, regardless of all the hate these games have been receiving, Pokemon Sword and Shield has been getting good reviews, getting a solid 81 from Metacritic. This includes an incredible 9.3 out of 10 from IGN and a 9 out of 10 from GameSpot, which is great news. Granted, there are those fans who think that these two publications get paid to say nice things but we'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

A lot of the praise comes from the fact that Sword and Shield cut right to the chase when it comes to gameplay. Rather than make fans wait through an awfully long tutorial, Sword and Shield have a faster-paced opening that immediately gives players their starter and, before long, having them explore the much-hyped Wild Areas.

The two games aren't perfect, due to a dumb story and some gameplay mechanics that need some major changes. There are also complaints with the graphics, which aren't ugly but also don't take advantage of what the Switch can do. However, the two games also seem to have much more challenging battles, which should be refreshing.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are coming out later this week, on November 15. Feeling hyped?

Read:Pokemon Sword and Shield Fans Start #ThankYouGameFreak Hashtag to Spread Positivity For Once