Delver Lens, the free app that scans, shares, and organizes Magic: The Gathering collection, is currently not available in the Google Play Store US due to a copyright claim from Wizards of the Coast referring to the use of "Magic: The Gathering", the developer announced on Twitter.
Over on Twitter, the developer also said that he "already contacted the Wizards lawyer and Google about submitting a new version without the copyrighted text but I haven't received a response from either yet. This may take a few days/weeks to resolve." However, he notes that Delver Lens is still available in Google Play outisde of the United States.
As shown in the video below, Delver Lens can help you organize 100 cards in 5 minutes by scanning the cards and adjusting the focus.
Hopefully, the newer version will be available in the Google Play Store soon. Organizing cards can be time-consuming, but this app help you do it more efficiently.
Would you use this app to organize your Magic: The Gathering collection?
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