The Deadpool film franchise has had two different entries with two different directors. The first was directed by Gopher Broke's Tim Miller. The second installment was directed by John Wick's David Leitch.
Now, speaking with Variety in an interview at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con International to help promote his upcoming film, Terminator: Dark Fate, Miller gives his thoughts on Deadpool 2.
The director was originally supposed to work on the sequel to his film, however, Miller exited the project, surprising fans, and followers of the film industry. After all, how in the world could Miller leave a franchise that broke records as an R-Rated comic book movie?
Leitch, later on, took over the project and Deadpool 2 also became a success.
"Oh, yeah," Miller responded when asked by the publication about how he saw the follow-up to his 2016 hit. "I thought it was an interesting evolution of the film."
Back in 2017, Miller decided to step away from Deadpool 2 because of concerns with the film's budget. Miller wanted to keep the film a low-budget project, but the studio wanted a more stylized approach to Deadpool 2.
Still, Miller doesn't seem to hold any sort of resentment towards Leitch or 20th Century Fox.
"I love the character and I think it's great, and I love all the actors and I want to see them successful again," Miller said.
Now, fans are waiting for news on Deadpool 3, hoping that Marvel finally takes the Merc with a Mouth under the wing of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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