Deadpool and Wolverine Get Their Own Parady Posters For Avengers: Endgame

Earlier today, Marvel decided to release a slew of new posters for Avengers: Endgame, posting a set of images of heroes that survive the Snappening, and another set of images for those who fell victim to Thanos (Josh Brolin), The thirty-two different posters come in two different styles. Those who survived the Decimation received posters in full color. Those who were killed in Avengers: Infinity War received posters in black and white.

Knowing that the Disney and Fox merger ensures the arrival of 20th Century Fox's mutants, artist BossLogic has decided to let Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) join this little mission to "Avenge the Fallen" by giving the two character posters of their own. The popular graphic artist applied Marvel's poster style to both of Fox's mutant characters, putting Deadpool in the land of the living and Wolverine along with those who fell victim to the Snappening.

Check it out down here:

While the posters might not really mean anything considering the fact that these characters have yet to be integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, BossLogic probably decided to put Wolverine along with those that died at the hands of Thanos because of the character's death in Logan.

The film was Hugh Jackman's swan song as James Hawlett, and ever since then, the actor's refused to return to the role, even for cameo appearances in Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool movies.

Given Disney's disinterest in continuing Fox's current X-Men franchise, it seems highly unlikely that we'll get to see Jackman returning to the role now that Marvel owns the X-Men either.

Avengers: Endgame premieres April 26, 2019.

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