DC Universe's Swamp Thing Gets Horror-Filled First Trailer

Despite rumors and reports of a halted production, DC Universe has released the first trailer of the upcoming Swamp Thing series and it looks like fans are going to be very happy with this. At a minute and 23 seconds, this trailer manages to intrigue and entertain without giving any big spoilers. This is definitely the character fans know from the comic books and we will witness his live-action horror soon.

The trailer has a lot of things horror fans will like, including freaky body horror and a dark swamp. There don't seem to be any mentions of The Green yet but that will likely become a big plot point later on. Alan Moore's comic book run will also likely be a huge part of the series since the writer reinvented the character in ways no one could imagine.

We'll have to wait and see how this series does, though if Titans and Doom Patrol are anything to go by, we're in for a treat. There are no plans to crossover this series with the aforementioned shows but things could always change if a second or third series is ever greenlit. Then again, this might be set in a different universe so they might never crossover.

Swamp Thing will be coming out on May 31.

Read: DC Releases Teaser for Swamp Thing Amidst Rumors of Cancelled Production