DC Comics Rumor Suggests The Introduction Of A Black Batman

The comic book industry has been trying its best to make strides in terms of inclusivity and representation in the past few years, creating new heroes that come from different ethnicities and different backgrounds.

Now, it seems like DC is going to take some major steps into diversifying its comics because rumor has it that the comic book publishing house is going to introduce a Black Batman into the DC franchise. According to a report by Bleeding Coot, word has it that DC is planning to introduce a new Batman into DC, a black Batman who isn't Bruce Wayne.

"Who this new Batman will be, I don't know. All I have been told is that it won't be Duke Thomas, the young man previously teased as taking on the role of Robin and Batman to come," the news site wrote in its post.

Could DC be planning to introduce a brand new character to take up the Dark Knight mantle from Bruce Wayne? Or is the publication planning to work with other characters in the franchise? DC has Batwing, a mantle that has both been occupied by David Zavimbe and Luke Fox. Both would be great contenders for the Batman role. There's also Black Lightning, a hero who's worked closely with Batman in The Outsiders team. Black Lightning would be perfect to inherit the role.

What do you think of this new rumored Black Batman? Do you have any suggestions for DC? Would you want to see a new character take on the Batman mantle? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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