Jason Todd might have been the second person to take up the Robin mantle but most people will always know him as Red Hood. Thanks to Judd Winnick's Under the Red Hood, Todd has been able to forge his own identity by stealing an old one The Joker used and it has made him more popular than ever before.
Mostly known for a red helmet that had eye holes, Todd is going to get one hell of a makeover in September's Red Hood and the Outlaws #26. No longer sporting his helmet, Todd now has a Robin-like mask with a red mouthguard and, fittingly enough, an actual red hood. He has also seemingly stopped using firearms and is armed with two interesting close-range weapons; a sword and a crowbar.
You read that right. A CROWBAR.
(DC Comics/Pete Woods)
Those familiar with Death in the Family know that Todd was beaten to near-death with a crowbar at the hands of The Joker, before dying in an explosion. With this in mind, it's rather shocking to see him armed with one now. It looks like he will be battering criminals left and right with this new weapon of his.
While completely strange, Todd wielding a crowbar does have similarities to Bruce Wayne becoming Batman. Bruce was always scared of bats but he chose to conquer his fears and become what he used to be scared of. Todd arming himself with a crowbar might mean that he is now conquering his own fears as well.
Red Hood and The Outlaws #26 comes out this September. The reason for this huge costume change is explained in next week's double-sized Red Hood and The Outlaws #25.
Read:Zack Snyder Wanted to Introduce Carrie Kelley's Robin to theDCEU