The most recent Detective Comics arc was a fun one for fans as it introduced a classic DC group to the current continuity; The Outsiders. Seems like the five-issue arc proved to be fairly popular as it is now getting a new ongoing series called Batman and The Outsiders. It will be written by Bryan Hill, who wrote the aforementioned Detective Comics arc and drawn by Dexter Soy.
Batman will be joined by Black Lightning, Katana, The Signal, and Orphan in this new group of Outsiders. The Signal is a young hero Bruce has been training since the events of Endgame and this will be his most prominent appearance since his three-issue mini-series. Black Lightning currently has a CW series but this is his most prominent comic book appearance in a long time. Katana is from the Suicide Squad and Orphan previously worked with Bruce during James Tynion IV's acclaimed Detective Comics run.
(DC Comics/Tyler Kirkham)
Hill confirmed the news on The Washington Post where the series' first cover was also revealed. Though the series' release date wasn't confirmed in the article, DC Comics editor Chris Conroy confirmed that Batman and The Outsiders will be released on December.
In the meantime, fans have hardcovers of the previous Batman and The Outsiders series from Mike W. Barr. Fans curious about this new incarnation of Outsiders should pick up Detective Comics #983 till #987.
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