Daniel Radcliffe Thinks He’d Be A Great Spider-Man

It looks like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe's given up on hopes of becoming the X-Men franchise's next Wolverine. Now, after clearing the rumors going around saying that he's going to put on Hugh Jackman's claws and become the next James Hawlett, Radcliffe sets his sights on another superhero role: Spider-Man.

Sitting down with GQ to talk for an episode of Actually Me, the Swiss Army Man actor dressed up and went undercover to answer questions about himself online. There, Radcliffe ran across a question on Quora about whether he'd make a good Spider-Man, something that the star wouldn't deny.

"Yes, I would have made a very good Spider-Man," Radcliffe said as a joke, then adding, "Not in the films. I mean, just in real life were I granted those powers."

Everyone dreams of having super powers like Spider-Man's. Who doesn't want the wall climbing, web-slinging, Spider-sense tingling action?

Still, while Radcliffe might make a very nice UK version of Spidey, it seems very unlikely that the Harry Potter star's going to get bitten by a radioactive spider. Or even land the Spider-Man role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Marvel already has its own Spider-Man, and that role's gone on to Tom Holland. Not only has Holland been praised for his accurate depiction of Peter Parker, he's also been praised for being the very best version of Spidey on the big screen.

Right now with Holland as Marvel's web-slinger, it seems very unlikely that we'll get to see Radcliffe even trying out for the part.

Spider-Man is set to appear in Avengers: Endgame which premieres April 26, 2019.

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