It looks like the final season of Agents of SHIELD is going to be its biggest one yet. The trailer for Agents of SHIELD Season 7 has possibly hinted at the return of Phil Coulson.
The trailer takes us back to New York City in 1931 where some policemen are impatiently waiting for someone's arrival at a pharmacy. The leader tells his companions that they should just "count the money" and let him "do the talking." However, they are met by some strange-looking men.
When the police confront them, the strangers announce that they were sent by Chronicom from the planet Chronica-2. The leader tells them to leave before they make the "freaks regret being born." Interestingly, the head Chronicom has an odd answer. "Chronicoms are not born," he says as he puts down the case he is carrying.
The stranger takes an alien device from the case, making the policemen react. However, the other two are blasted away as the head Chronicom approaches their leader. "What do you want?" he demands. The Chronicom has a simple answer as he puts the device to work: "Your face."
There is little doubt that the final season of Agents of SHIELD is all about preparing for an invasion. Luckily, the team already has its secret weapon: Agent Phil Coulson, sort of.
In the previous season finale, Jemma Simmons unveiled their Chronicom tech-enhanced decoy of Coulson. It's certainly awesome to know that Clark Gregg will still be around in Season 7 just in time to fight Hydra.
Agents of SHIELD Season 7 will air on ABC in 2020.
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