Crisis on Infinite Earths Producer Teases Release of Deleted Scenes

Credit: The CW Network

Credit: The CW Network

Crisis on Infinite Earths is Arrowverse's most ambitious crossover event yet which aired in December 2019. It featured tons of exciting moments plus twists, and even a few surprising cameos. However, with only a five-hour event, it's inevitable for some parts to end up getting cut, leaving other action-packed scenes that we are yet to see. That said, it seems like the Arrowverse producer is teasing the possibility of these getting released.

Marc Guggenheim was asked by a fan on Twitter, asking him about the extra footage from the event that could potentially be released in the future. While he didn't go further into detail, he confirmed that there are deleted scenes and that they just completed the visual effects on the footage.

When another fan asked if they usually complete the special effects in deleted scenes, Guggenheim teased, "not if we're planning on releasing them." Given that there seems to be a few special effects needed in these deleted scenes, these could be more footage of the fights that ensued but never made the cut.

Deleted scenes are usually released not in fully finished form, so some fans speculated that there could be something special than what it is expected in extras. However, Guggenheim made it clear that there's "nothing more special coming" but he'll explain sometime in the future.

It's unclear how the Crisis deleted scenes will be released, regardless, fans can't wait to see some exciting new footage from the event.

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