Could Mark Hamill’s Comments Mean A Smaller Role For Luke In Star Wars: Episode IX?

J.J. Abrams might be bringing a lot of familiar faces back in Star Wars: Episode IX, but there's been a lot of talk about how much screen time and how much involvement Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker might have in Lucasfilm's third and final installment in the sequel trilogy. While some that Luke will display even more power in The Last Jedi's sequel, there's been some speculation that the character might not have much to do in Episode IX.

Yesterday, Entertainment Weekly went on an interview with Hamill to speak about his new series, Knightfall. As interesting as the show is, the publication also encroached the topic of Star Wars, and during the interview, Hamill made an interesting admission.

"I still have to go over and do Episode IX," Hamill told the publication.

While this statement might seem unspectacular, it does tell fans that Hamill might not have actually shot his scenes for the film yet, despite the fact that Episode IX has been in production for quite some time. This comes as a surprise to many, including Inverse who had spoken to a few other Star Wars actors like Snap Wexley actor Greg Grunberg who had already completed shooting his scenes at Pinewood studios in London.

Could this mean that Abrams has a limited role for Hamill? A cameo perhaps? Or is the director saving the best scenes for last?

There's been a lot of speculation that Hamill may be returning as a Force Ghost in Episode IX, so Luke might not have as much screen time in the movie as fans would want.

How long do you think we'll be seeing Luke in Episode IX? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Star Wars: Episode IX premieres December 20, 2019.

Read: Star Wars: Episode IX Teaser Rumored For Release This Christmas