The upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series has mostly been shrouded in mystery, with Ewan McGregor the only confirmed cast member so far. Aside from knowing that the beloved Jedi Master is set to return, a new rumor suggests that there are familiar faces reportedly set to appear as well and have potentially major roles on the show.
According to Kessel Run Transmissions, the Kenobi series will reportedly feature Clone Commander Cody along with the 212th Clone Battalion. The show is said to put a heavy emphasis on the Clone Wars era through flashback scenes, with Hayden Christensen said to reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker in his armor from the said period.
In addition, the show will allegedly feature Darth Vader as well, with the plot mainly revolving around the Sith Lord's hunt for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Commander Cody made his debut in Revenge of the Sith portrayed by Temuera Morrison. The character went on to play a bigger part in The Clone Wars animated series as Kenobi's second-in-command. Meanwhile, the 212th Legion was a military battalion that served in the Army of the Galactic Republic, placed under Kenobi and Cody.
For now, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series is still in its early stages and is still well away from making its debut, so fans should take these rumors with a grain of salt. That said, having Cody return would make an epic and emotional plot to the Disney+ show.
Directed by Deborah Chow, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series is yet to have a release date.
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