Clark Gregg Says Agents Of SHIELD Season 7 Is The Final Season

We're still waiting for the sixth season of Agents of SHIELD but Clark Gregg already has some bad news. The Captain Marvel star has revealed that Season 7 could be the final one for the ABC series.

Gregg recently spoke to Den of Geek to promote his upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe flick. Interestingly, the real Phil Coulson teased on the possibility that Agents of SHIELD will end with the seventh season.

"That's the word I've heard," Gregg said. "The announcement I read was, two more seasons, six and seven."

Of course, it may be too soon to conclude about this information. It's possible that Gregg is only confirmed to return for two more seasons and Agents of SHIELD could continue without Coulson. Hopefully, ABC will renew the series for more seasons after Season 7.

There have already been signs that Agents of SHIELD is nearing its conclusion. After all, the sixth season consists of only 13 episodes instead of 22. Although people were concerned that this meant Season 6 could be the last one, we may still be getting another season after the show returns in May.

Gregg continues to be a major part of the series. He is directing the first episode of Season 6 titled Missing Pieces.

Coulson is also returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Gregg will reprise his role in Captain Marvel where his character is de-aged alongside Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury to fit with the movie's 1990s setting. There are also rumors that Coulson could have a minor appearance in Avengers: Endgame.

Captain Marvel premieres on March 8. Agents of SHIELD Season 6 has not yet been given an official air date but is set to return on ABC in May.

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