Christina Ricci made her triumphant return to The Addams Family franchise in the recent hit Netflix series Wednesday. This time around, she was playing the role of Marilyn Thornhill, a teacher at Nevermore Academy who ended up becoming the season's main antagonist as revealed in the finale.
A lot of fans were delighted by the actress' appearance in the series since it was seen as a "passing the torch" moment between Ricci, who played Wednesday Addams in the '90s movies, and Jenna Ortega, this generation's new Wednesday Addams.
However, as it turns out, Ricci's appearance almost did not happen as revealed by series creators Miles Millar and Alfred Gough in a recent interview on Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum podcast (via Screen Rant).
The duo shared that there were scheduling issues that almost prevented Ricci to join the series such as her pregnancy and her involvement in Yellowjackets. She ended up filming her scenes for all episodes towards the end of production.
"It was hard [to cast her] because she was pregnant, so we had to work out scheduling so that she could come and shoot all of her episodes all the way at the end. That way she could be in eight episodes and do it in three weeks," Millar said.
Gough added, "Yeah, because she had Yellowjackets as well. She’s fantastic to work with."
Millar pointed out the importance of having the two Wednesday Addams actresses appear in the series and they felt relieved when it all worked out in the end.
"Yeah, and to have the two Wednesdays together this season just felt so iconic. This was a show where a lot of things almost didn’t work, but then they did," he added.
It is certainly a relief for fans as well that Ricci's involvement was able to happen since it made the series more special and we were able to cherish the season-long moments of seeing the two who have tie-ins to the iconic character work together.
Considering her fate in the first season finale, there is a strong likelihood that we might not see Ricci again in the second season (unless a twist). The first season might be the only time that we're seeing them together on-screen in the series.
Also Read: Jenna Ortega Teases More Horrors in Wednesday Season 2
The first season of Wednesday is available to stream on Netflix.