Parks and Recreation star Aubrey Plaza recently joined the MCU as the villain of the upcoming series Agatha: Coven of Chaos. Her now involvement in the franchise was celebrated by fans of both the hit sitcom and the MCU since it would mean that she is now going to be in the same arena as Chris Pratt.
In case you forgot, Plaza and Pratt played the couple April Ludgate and Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation and their relationship became one of the beloved aspects of the series. While their respective MCU characters are not bound to meet (as far as we know), it is still worth celebrating that they are now part of the same comic book universe.
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Pratt shared his reaction to his Parks and Recreation co-star's recent MCU casting where he can't help but share his happiness that she is now going to be involved in the franchise and he has a strong belief that she will make a huge impression on her MCU role.
"That is full circle. I love that! She’s having such an amazing moment right now, which makes me really thrilled," he said.
"She’s so unique and talented and special. It’s just great that the rest of the world is waking up to that. She was awesome in White Lotus, and Emily the Criminal was great. And I think she’ll show that it’s perfect for her to be playing a witch in a coven for Marvel."
It is great to hear Pratt's enthusiasm for Plaza's casting in the MCU and threw his support for her involvement in the franchise. Since they were co-stars for several years, perhaps the two were also communicating when the actress signed on to join the series.
Depending on what will happen with Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it would be interesting to see whether there will be a way for the two actors to cross paths at some point in the MCU. If ever it does happen, a lot of Parks and Recreation fans will certainly love it.
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Agatha: Coven of Chaos is currently slated for release on Disney+ in 2024. You can check more details about it here.