It's Monday, and the Russo Brothers have officially lifted the online ban on Avengers: Endgame spoilers. Some actors from the movie are now free to share their own videos from the set, and Chris Evans gives us this short video of everyone hanging around.
Check it out:
He also shared this photo of five out of the six original Avengers hanging out in what looks to be Tony Stark's funeral scene. Curious why Robert Downey Jr. is in the shot, but it was said that there were several endings filmed. Maybe they shot a funeral for Black Widow as well?
For now, more and more revelations are coming out about the making of Endgame. We just recently got confirmation that Tony was supposed to have a scene in the Soul Realm like Thanos did in Avengers: Infinity War, but this time with his grown-up daughter played by Katherine Langford. We also know that the "I am Iron Man" line was thought of in the editing room, and they actually tried a bunch of different lines before that didn't work as well.
Expect the Russos to make some more reveals in the coming week. Maybe they might even hint at what's to come with the announced Marvel shows for Disney+. The fate of 2012 Loki is still left open-ended, and everyone wants to know what Sam Wilson's transition into the new Captain America is going to look like.
Catch Avengers: Endgame in theaters today.
See Also: GOTG Vol. 3 Didn't Influence the Guardians' Finale in Avengers: Endgame