Chris Evans first debuted as Steve Rogers, widely known as Captain America in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger. Following his debut, Evans reprised the role and remained as a central figure in the MCU, appearing in eleven massive Marvel films. Evans made his last appearance in the Infinity Saga's groundbreaking conclusion Avengers: Endgame, wherein he officially retired as the MCU’s Captain America and handed the mantle to Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson.
Although Evans is now completely out of the mega-franchise as the honorable Star-Spangled hero, the Captain America legacy will still continue, thanks to The Falcon, who is now set to wield the iconic Captain America shield.
But is Anthony Mackie's Captain America approved by MCU vet Chris Evans?
Chris Evans sat down with Yahoo! Entertainment's Kevin Polowy to promote his latest Disney film, Lightyear.
When asked about Anthony Mackie's new role, Evans admitted that he's proud of his co-star's development as the new Captain America. “No one better to do it. I mean, he honestly does it justice… I’m so proud of him," he said. "I can’t wait to see what they do in the future with it, but if there’s any tear shed, it’s just for the sweet memories I had.”
Based on the positive fan reactions from Disney+'s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series, where Sam Wilson had gone through massive character development and fully embraced the Captain America title, it's safe to say that the audience has now found their new Captain America.
For now, Mackie is set to star in the upcoming Captain America 4 film, which is still in early development with The Falcon and The Winter Soldier head writer Malcolm Spellman. Any details about the upcoming film remain undisclosed at this point, but according to Evans' recent statement, it seems that he is just as excited as everyone to see Mackie's future as the fan-beloved Captain America.
In the meantime, Anthony Mackie's Captain America 4 is still under development with Marvel Studios, while The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is available to stream on Disney+.
Also read: Chris Evans Finally Breaks Silence on Captain America Return