Jesse Lee Soffer, known for his role as Jay Halstead in Chicago P.D., recently made his directorial debut on the show's episode titled Deadlocked. Despite leaving the franchise in 2022, Soffer returned to the set in 2023 as a director.
In a Parade interview, he shared his excitement about directing an episode of a show he loves. Soffer expressed his appreciation for being able to return the show to its roots in his directorial debut, living in the gray area. He added that directing an episode where Voight can do whatever he wants was something he was grateful for.
Although Voight, played by Jason Beghe, is a fan-favorite character, he is also a controversial figure who often ignores rules and protocols.
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Voight's Lone Wolf Status in Chicago P.D.
Soffer also shared his thoughts on Voight's character and his tendency to act as a vigilante cop, making decisions by his own book. He questioned whether Voight could ever change or learn new tricks or whether the character's status as a lone wolf would remain intact. Soffer acknowledged that the ultimate decision was up to the showrunner and producers.
Despite the challenges of directing, Soffer noted how easily he connected with the cast and crew. He referred to them as a tight-knit family and found the transition to directing easier than expected.
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Beyond Chicago P.D.
Although fans were thrilled to see Soffer return to the franchise, he revealed in a recent interview with Variety that he might be ready to tackle a lead role in his own show. Soffer noted that Chicago P.D. is an ensemble cast, with Beghe as the show's lead and strong patriarch.
As such, Soffer indicated his readiness to lead a show himself.
Soffer's directorial debut in Chicago P.D. provided an opportunity to reconnect with a franchise he loves, direct a Voight-centric episode, and connect with the cast and crew in a new way.
While his return to the show as Halstead seems unlikely, Soffer is ready to take on a lead role in his own show.
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