Check Out This Wild Documentary About SuperShadow, The Legendary Original Star Wars Troll

Sure, the Star Wars fanbase might have its issues, but fans' passion and persistence can be perceived as some of their best traits. Of course, this persistence can translate to going to any length to learn about new details of upcoming Star Wars projects. While Star Wars leaks are debunked as rapidly as they are received in this day and age of information, fans used to rely on the one internet troll called "SuperShadow" in the earlier days of the internet.

Now, YouTube Channel HelloGreedo has decided to release a documentary on the original Star Wars internet troll, telling the story of the internet person who had spent almost two decades of trolling the Star Wars fanbase.

Back in the 90s during the cusp of the Star Wars Original Trilogy Special Edition's arrival, SuperShadow became fans' main source of information on the future of the Skywalker saga.

This internet troll used to claim to have spies as well as trusted sources inside Lucasfilm. He even went as far as claiming a close friendship with Star Wars creator George Lucas, using this to support theory after theory about what fans could expect from upcoming Star Wars projects.

Back then the fanbase was ever trusting, because why would anyone go around the internet lying about things that could be proven inaccurate?

Though his leaks for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace were proven to be untrue, Supershadow pushed on, creating his own website to house his "leaks." The troll even offered website users the chance to ask "Lucas" himself questions about the saga. He would also create phony interviews with the "Star Wars creator" bringing in thousands of fans in the process.

SuperShadow made up so many lies about the Star Wars saga during the years he was active online. While his posts began drying up in 2014, the troll's website remains. However, the only thing left on the site is a short mea culpa.

"I, Mickey Suttle, am extremely sorry and very much apologize for the lies I told on for nearly 20 years. I am extremely sorry and apologize to those this offended. I am very, very sorry," the message reads.

It's a wild story, one that fans would find interesting, especially in this day and age on the internet.

Star Wars: Episode IX premieres December 20, 2019.

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