Chainsaw Man Anime’s Domestic Aki Scene Is the Highlight of Episode 4

Chainsaw Man Aki Scene

Chainsaw Man Aki Scene

The latest episode of Chainsaw Man got praised by many fans once again. Though based on the reactions online, it seems that Chainsaw Man Episode 4’s domestic Aki scene was the highlight instead of the intense Leech Devil fight.

If you browse the #chainsawman hashtag on Twitter, you’ll see lots of tweets about Aki. Specifically, these tweets highlight Aki’s morning routine scene that happens later on in the episode.

Chainsaw Man Episode 4 – Denji vs. Leech Devil

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Episode 4 picks right up where the third left off; with Denij defeating the Bat Devil and rescuing Power in the process. However, his victory is short-lived as the Leech Devil makes an appearance.

This devil is the partner of the Bat Devil, and it attacks Denji who is unable to transform fully due to all the blood he lost.

Still, he manages to hold off the Leech Devil for a time, but he is caught and nearly killed.

Thankfully, Aki Hayakawa is there to save Denji as he summons the Fox Devil to attack Denji’s foe. This “Kon” scene is one of the most iconic moments in the manga.

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The Trio Starts Living Together

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After the fight, Denji wakes up in a hospital and talks with Aki. After this, Aki makes a report to Makima and explains why Denji and Power don’t need to be punished.

The final part of the episode opens with Aki’s morning routine, followed by Denji waking up. This peaceful scene is shattered by the door-busting appearance of Power.

While the episode sticks close to the events of the manga, it does add some new scenes. The apartment scene was also changed and expanded for this episode.

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Aki Hayakawa’s Morning Routine Scene

chainsaw man episode 4 aki scene
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While the Leech Devil fight was praised, lots of Chainsaw Man fans also reacted positively to Aki’s morning routine scene which shows him freshening up, preparing coffee, cooking, and doing the laundry.

Despite being a subdued scene where nothing much is happening, lots of fans shared images along with their thoughts on the scene on Twitter and other platforms.

As Aki is a fan favorite, it should come as no surprise to see this scene trend as it features excellent animation and serves as a nice breather from the intense action in the episode’s first half.

Based on this scene, we might see more casual apartment scenes involving the main trio. And here’s to hoping the animation continues to be as good as the one in Episode 4.

Chainsaw Man continues with Episode 5 which will be released next week.

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