Doctor Sleep is set to be the sequel to Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, and with the movie set to come out next week, Screen Junkies has decided it’s the right time to release their Honest Trailer take on the horror classic.
Sit back. Way back. for 2 and a half hours of Kubrick’s signature style that’s either a masterclass in building tension or kind of boring; in a film that’s largely made out of the same. three. shots: Characters staring at the camera, characters pulling a crazy face, or characters wandering around—but hey, everything feels creepy when you put that score under it.
Though Kubrick is considered a master filmmaker, a lot of people tend to agree that his films tend to drag—which makes a lot of them kind of boring. If anything though, the shots are still fantastic, and the payoffs are great once you get used to the slow burns in every film.
One particular thing I don’t like about Kubrick is his legendary perfectionism, and you’ll realize he’s downright abusive when you do your research. Even Screen Junkies didn’t hold back when they said that Shelley Duvall ended up being abused and demeaned by Kubrick behind the scenes. I mean, she gave a very authentic performance of a woman being terrorized, but only because it was real.
For now, you can catch Doctor Sleep, which has been getting very great reviews, in theaters Nov. 8.
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