There might be a lot of anticipation building up over Captain Marvel, but now that the film's embargo has been lifted, reviews revealed mixed sentiments about Brie Larson's debut into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Not only did Captain Marvel's Rotten Tomatoes critic score drop from 91% to 83% within 24 hours of the embergo's lifting, but over at Meta Critic, the film comes up at an average 65%, putting the film in the Mixed Reviews category.
Meta Critic has listed down 49 reviews so far, and out of this number, 19 reviews come out as mixed, and 1 as negative. While the positive reviews mark the film as entertaining, quirky, and low-key charming, the same critics that give Captain Marvel a high score also acknowledge the film's flaws like its rushed story line, a convoluted plot, and the burden of an over-powered superhero.
The reviews labelled under Mixed Sentiments usually talk about how the critics were "hoping for something higher, further, faster," and how the film takes very few risks in the same way other Marvel films have like Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther.
The lone negative review comes from the New York Post's critic Johnny Oleksinski, and it complains about the film being a desultory slog
"What's said to be Marvel's most powerful superhero ever is served Melatonin by Larson. There is precious little texture or detail, ups and downs, or emotions of any kind in her performance. The character, even when kicking ass, is a total bore. The film's best moments are provided by Jackson and a hilarious cat," Oleksinski underlines in his review.
While these mixed reviews don't seem to be a good sign for Captain Marvel, we're sure that fans are going to rally behind the film anyway.
Captain Marvel premieres this Friday, March 8, 2019.
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