Ever since her debut in Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) has been expected to take the lead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After all, many of the contracts of Marvel's lead stars were coming to an end, and the studio would need a new hero to take charge.
Now, a new rumor suggests that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of Captain Marvel in the MCU. According to a new report from We Got This Covered, sources say that Larson is currently set to appear in at least five more films for the MCU before her contract with Marvel Studios ends.
Five movies might not seem a like a lot, but fans ought to remember that Marvel may very well want more from the Academy Award-winning actress. Right now we're not quite sure what Marvel has planned for Captain Marvel, but seeing Captain Marvel's commercial and critical success, we can probably expect a sequel to the standalone movie soon.
Captain Marvel could also very well appear in other MCU entries, perhaps one filed under Marvel's Cosmic Universe like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Captain Marvel has had quite a number of cosmic adventures, so it would make sense to see her appear in some of Marvel's cosmic movies.
Or maybe Captain Marvel might want to start her own line of Avengers. Avengers: Endgame took out a chunk of the original six Avengers. Marvel would probably want another set of heroes to lead the franchise.
Marvel's next film, Spider-Man: Far From Home, is set to premiere on July 2, 2019.
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